Sunday, December 7, 2014

In Defense of Race Relations in America: The killing of Michael Brown and Eric Garner Part 6

America, God’s own country, the land of opportunity, where those with mind and hope can make it; where is the exceptionality? American exceptionalism, where is it?  America should not mess up its reputation as the leader of the free world.  We are in the 21st century world; not in the dark days of the 18 and 19 centuries; periods when a Black man used to be lynched before a crowd of other citizens, who would sing, dance and clap their hands.  The world cannot be a free place if Africans and African Americans, a very sizable member of the human race is in bondage in the land of the free.  Especially that there should be no more a justifiable reason to discriminate or kill Africans unjustifiably in the land of the free, a land they previously occupied before any other settler. Blacks in the Americas are not only by the incident of Slave Trade.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Reconnecting with our Spiritual Past: Remember our Ancestors When we pray to God

Africans reconnecting with their Spiritual past is not like looking through the rear mirror while driving.  That is dangerous.  But reconnecting with the Spiritual past means tapping into the alleviating and collaborating energies of the Ancestors. It is like tapping into within or looking within the self.  There is a great need for Africans to reconnect with the wisdom and knowledge of their ancestors.  A people cannot sever the relationship that exists between them and their past and remain connected with Osinegba, Oghena or (God) and exist a surviving and prosperous people. This Phenomenon, the Diffused Energies which was first conceived by Africans and which others later called God, is ever present with all humanity until one disconnects him or herself from the “Him-Her.” To sever from the past is to disconnect from the Him-Her.  The past in this regard is the ancestors and the history of our land and our people, who are very connected with the God of humanity in death.