Monday, January 12, 2015


Question: is a Nigerian's life worth less than the life of any other human? In a senseless act of terrorism, 12 journalists were ruthlessly murdered in France. As you would expect in a sane world, the world mourns, humanity unites, men, women and children of all ages walk in unity as a symbol of France's defiance towards any acts of terrorism. Countless number of lives are lost daily in Nigeria. The president of Nigeria is still unable to visit some parts of the country because in his words "it is not safe".  So I ask again is a Nigerian's life worth less than the life of anyone else? Are we Nigerians letting ourselves down by burying our heads in the sand instead of standing up for ourselves?

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Elections, Politics, Electorates and the Importance of Exercising Your Rights in a Democracy: A Pre Election Guide for Nigerians

Exercising one’s rights is very important in a polity/country or state, but the importance of exercising one’s political rights is even more important as it is a sine qua non in a political democracy.  In other words, if the benefits of political democracy are a people’s desire that have to be realized, it is an indispensable condition that the people must exercise their rights to vote in elections, speak out when there is a need to do so; assemble to discuss any affair or affairs of the country, and move about freely within the state without any hindrance or constrain.