“Nigeria: The Obituary of the Living Dead,” Emmanuel
Chigozie Osuchukwu, a
London based
writer, published on Friday, May 30, 2014.
To be fair to Emmanuel is to say that his thoughts as expressed in the
publication were golden because they capture or cover the entire spectrum of
the history of what has led to the present predicament of our country,
Nigeria. If I must query the
publication, and query I must, it is the title of the article. Nigeria and
Nigerians are not living dead. Nigeria
is still having some teething problems of which Nigerians themselves are a part
of some of the problems of our country. Nigerians
to a large extent are the problems of Nigeria because do not like Nigeria and
they do not embrace what is Nigerian; let say the truth and let the devil be
ashamed, if there is one.
is now an established fact almost by all that most Nigerians are prone to
corruption and greed which are by product of ignorance. These ugly virtues have led to the current
situation in which our country has by itself invited Imperialist countries to
its own compound. It is now that the
Imperial spies have invaded the Nigerian domain to their sudden disbelieves
that many Nigerians are jolted back to their seats while they were standing,
and they are now asking: what is this happening to us? It is a shame that we have to be beaten very
hard in the head before we can come to realize what we are doing to ourselves;
that is IF ourselves invited invasion is anything to be considered.