Fellow citizens of the United States, let us call a
spade a spade. The current acrimonies, of lies, divisiveness, and all sorts of
blackmails, deceptions, and slanders coupled with disrespect to the person
holding the highest office in the land, President Barack Obama and the White House
is not politics but pure racism. This is done deliberately by those we thought
should know better in Washington. If we
must preserve and guide our rights and freedom to speak and speak freely,
think, associate and hold an opinion, the current cloud of uncertainty hovering
over our nation must be made to disappear by our collective behaviors and
attitude towards one another in the name of what is not politics. Pure politics
is that which fosters progress amongst humans and not man’s inhumanity to man
and retrogression. The Republican Party’s attitude and designs towards
everything President Barack Obama has done since day one, and is still doing
with best intention, are unholy, and it is very unfair to the people of this
great country who are suffering from the unwholesome racist attitude.
This is the time for Americans to say, gone are the
days when Blacks were lynched publicly with fanfare just because of arrogance
of ignorance and a primordial state of the mind of some young species of human kind
who thought that Africans were not human beings. President Barack Obama is a
free born American by an African father who was on an educational sojourn in
the land of the free, the United States of America. He had prepared himself and
qualified for the Office of the President of the US. He was duly elected with a solid mandate, but
some elements of the Republican Party have refused from day one to allow Mr. President
to carry out the progressive plans that he has for the people of this country
and the world. Whatever good he had done for the nation has one way or the
other been turned upside down and is rejected as good deeds even when the
ordinary people know them to be good deeds. Under his command while with his
war council, America and the world’s worst enemy, Bin Laden was eliminated as
he Obama had earlier promised; yet the Republicans tried to rob him of this
great achievement. The Great United States was the only country amongst most of
the known industrialized countries of the world that its citizens were without
healthcare insurance policy. As a result, some Americans who are desperate to
heal themselves would go to Canada where a healthcare policy can accommodate
them. Especially that some known
medicines that are known to cure certain killer diseases like cancer, are
banned from entering America from neighboring countries like Mexico and Canada.
Such a policy could only have been brought about by the likes of Romney, the
corporations that manufacture medicines in America. There is no doubt that
Romney and Ryan would say that such a policy is in the interest of Americans
when it is actually not. President Obama
brought about a universal healthcare Bill that was passed into law by Congress
and validated by the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court, another
great achievement for the people of this country, yet Republicans want Obama’s
head for this.
Here is a man
who inherited from the Republicans, a hopeless and helpless administration that
had brought America to shame. There was general insecurity of life and property
within and beyond the borders of the United State brought about by the
arrogance and uncompromising attitude of the Republican led Administration of
George Bush before the international community. Before the very time President
Obama was elected, an American and America were scorned outside the boarders of
the United States. American travelers
could attest to this. We can still also remember that during the 2008
electioneering campaigns the former First Lady Hilary Clinton used to tell her
audience that if she was elected, she will appoint her husband as an ambassador
to the world to restore America’s image. This was expected as Hilary herself
became that ambassador under President Obama. It was because America’s image
abroad was in ruin caused by the Republican led administration of this country
at the time.
The Republicans are also holding the unemployment problem
in the country against President Obama.
The Republican allies, the big corporations, created the unemployment in
the country by willfully laying off millions of able bodied citizens from their
gainful employments and replacing humans with robots. There are no more jobs
for receptionists and telephone operators; most of them have been replaced by
robots in many large corporations. They
have unfairly held the country’s workforce to ransom with unemployment because
they thought the economic condition of unemployment rate at 8% would be wrongly
blamed on the President, and because they think the common people are too dumb
to know Republicans’ mischievousness. Unemployment is the only issue with which
Republicans think that the coming election would be won by their flag bearer,
Mitt Romney. This is one of the lies too, Barack will be re-elected.
Republicans forgot that well-meaning and thoughtful
people in the country have been observing events in the political arena of this
country. If Republicans have cooperated
with President Obama, a bill on employment creation would have solved the
problem. Obama looked for bipartisanship with Republicans for two years; he
stretched both of his arms to the Republicans which they refused to accept
ignominiously. The President meant well
in his attempt working with the Republicans to a point that many people in the
country were getting upset with the President because they knew that Obama was
wasting precious time since the Republicans had stuck to their guns of no
compromise with President Barack Obama, an African American. Every proposal
brought forward to Republican leaders by Obama was “NO,” to the point that the
Republican Party became a party of “NO” at the time in the eyes of most Americans.
It is an African proverb that okpishia o yo Inighu ne erthai puno oni
Inighu, meaning that an elder does not allow fire to quench in the kitchen
while he or she is there. The elder
statesmen and women of this great nation must muster the courage to say the truth
out, now. Republicans need to stop
playing the so called “Third World” politics whereby politics becomes a do or
die affair in which they have to tell incredulous and outright lies. It is only in some developing countries that
progressive proposals are rejected by political parties just because such
proposals emanated from the other party. It was never like this before in
America, therefore, one reason one could adduce is because President Obama is a
Black man, and if this is a correct assumption, it is racism that should be
abhorred in the 21st century; humanity is moving on forward and not
going back.
They need to stop telling “detasteful” and distasteful
lies and making them look like truth by repeating the very obvious lies over
and over. Republicans are still
canvassing for the repeal of the universal affordable Healthcare law that has
been upheld by the Supreme Court just because a Blackman has done what was
thought to be impossible previously. Telling lies is what Republicans did
throughout their recent Convention in Tampa, Florida. This attitude and behavior is not of any good
learning benefit to our youth who we were supposed to prepare to take over from
us. Are we saying to our children and
the youth of the country who are watching us that calling White Black and Black
White is politics and the best way? Is
this not a bad example and miss-education for the youth to follow wrongly?
Governor Mitt Romney and his
running mate do not have the quality and skills necessary for governing a
nation of the type of the United States.
America is no longer the Old wild west where only the kinds of Romney
matters. America now is the melting pot
of humanity and ideas. There are many
other human kinds or ethnicities that are now living in the United States. This is not by accident for in the Atlantis
Rising and the New Atlantis, by Plato and Francis Bacon’s respectively, there
exists a bold resolution that was made
that this western continent which is now the United States should become the
site of the philosophic empire. This resolution was said to have been made in
the ancient world thousands of years ago. You may read also, the Secret Destiny
of America by Manly P. Hall for more understanding. Therefore, current immigrants
of different starters and levels of humans who are now naturalized citizens of
this Union are not here by accident; it was destined that they will be here and
they are here. Republicans should remember
this history. The new immigrants should
therefore not be discriminated against by the likes of Romney, whose
grandfather or father was an immigrant to the United States from Mexico.
It should be made clear that the
Romneies and many Republicans are good human beings, but their policies as they
relate to governance of a pluralistic society are enemies of the people and
their welfare in a democracy.
Consequently, the Republican Party and Romney will not seek for the good
of all the people of this country. Their
policies and utterances about human ideas are self centered and, are of negroephobism
in nature therefore unfit in modern time.
There is another African proverb,
“Akhayagboke” pronounced “Aa-kha-ya-gbo-ke.” Exclamatorily, this proverb means “if
the people of the world were given the power to share or distribute the
benefits of nature.” Interpretatively, the wise question in exclamation is, “who
would have allowed a poor person to have a child?” It is the reason for another
wise capsule which is, “Ayagboke” pronounced “Aa-ya-gbo-ke” meaning that the
people of this world were not given the authority to divide the gifts of Nature,
for Nature knows that like the Romneies would not give a chance for a common
person to grow to become an employer like the large corporations. It is one of the reasons Romney should not be
placed in a position to kill initiatives meant for progressive development as
he is thinking that everything should be provided by the wealthy like him. Republicans
claim that it is corporations that create jobs therefore they should be
exempted from paying tax, but that ordinary Americans should. The question for the Republicans and Romney
is, what is the role of government if corporations are to regulate and provide
for the people in the name of free enterprise, personal liberty and individual
right to do their biddings?
Our opinion therefore, is that
Romney does not have what it takes to govern a people since he does not really
understand what the actual responsibilities of governance entail. Experiences
in business enterprises are not and do not translate to knowledge of the duties
of government as is being demonstrated by Romney in what he says. Romney has not explained how he would create
jobs when he becomes president. In the mind
set of the Republicans, President Obama will not be re-elected if unemployment
remains what it is. Republicans simply want Obama out because he does not look
like who they want as President of the United States no matter how much and
what he had achieved since he became President 3 plus years ago.
All the insult, ignominious disrespect on the Office
of the President and the person holding that office which is President Obama,
are nothing but a product of negroephobism. It is clear to most people, and the
Vice President, Joe Biden alluded to it when he said, and “they want you back
in chains.” The VP was right and Americans of high moral character need to
speak up so that race relations in this God’s own country will become what it
was meant to be – melting pot of humanity and their ideas.
This is why whatever Obama does
is not accepted as anything good. Yet, “Obama fostered greater transparency and
better government, after the excesses of the Bush years. Obama returned the
Executive Branch to fiscal responsibility after the Bush debacle. He improved
the economy, preventing a Bush depression. Obama reformed Wall Street and
consumer protection; ushered through many changes that enhanced civil rights
and anti-discrimination. President Obama made major improvements in foreign
relations and American status around the World. Obama took steps to strengthen
the middle class and families, and to fight poverty; took a more realistic
approach to Defense. President Obama’s administration treated soldiers and
veterans with respect that was missing during the Bush era. He pushed through improvements in national
safety and security; reoriented government to an adult view on science,
technology and health care; and Obama took concrete steps to improve our
environment and address our energy needs,” These
are major sub-heads of the lots that President Barack Obama had achieved within
his first 3 years in office in spite of the Republican divisive obstructions
from day one. (See a compilation of “What Has Obama Done? Here are 200
Accomplishments! With Citations!) published by the “Nigerian IDENTITY at NigeriaID@yahoogroups.com)”.
should be reminded that within the realm of nature, no condition is permanent
as everything is subject to change which is the only permanent thing in the
universe. If African Americans were servants yesterday, which is the reason
Republicans are looking down on President Obama disrespectfully while they insult
the Office of the President, it is wrong because there is nothing stopping an
African American, like any other American anymore today from becoming a president
of America if it is his or her determination and desire. This rationalization is supported by yet another
African proverb, which says that, Omo odo
nbo wa do oga” meaning that a servant is coming to become the boss or
master; it is a natural law that no condition is permanent. Race relation in America is improving and it should
be allowed to continue to move on forward progressively.
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