Sunday, November 30, 2014

In Defense of Race Relations in America Part 5

Is it really necessary to begin to tag African children “Ebola kids” and adult Africans as “Ebola,” when we sight an African in any city in Texas or in other places in America?  In most of the media in America as we speak, on any discussion on Africa and about Africa starts with Ebola. This is done in a derogatory manner and in a manner mocking the people of one of the most prosperous regions of the world.  It is certain that the improperly tagged “Ebola” disease has become one of the most dreaded killers of all previously known killer diseases on Earth, at least for now.  It is becoming a man-made contaminant that resists being contaminated, killed or eliminated by human as it kills many of its afflicted victims including some health providers who attempt to “contaminate” or confront the virus to submission.      

From the way the discussions about the disease are going on, it seems it is being made an African disease that should be left alone to depopulate Africa. In other words, Ebola, a created killer virus is becoming another sickle cell disease which westerners have successfully made a Black African malady. There is an opinion that suggests that racism is now being infused into the Ebola crisis.  Africans and well meaning people could not understand why the Liberian man, Mr. Duncan should have died of Ebola in America.  Two previous White Americans, who were seriously sick of Ebola and were brought back with air ambulance from Liberia, got cured with American manufactured Ebola medicine.  Our unsuspecting Duncan; the man probably thought that he will be cured of Ebola in America hence he hurried back to the US, but he forgot one enemy, discrimination.  The two Americans before him in America were very sick and unable to walk when they were rushed back to the US, and their lives were saved. But Thomas Eric Duncan was not yet sick of the Ebola when he returned to the US from Liberia.  Reports state that it was four days after his return to the US  that he became sick; the man went straight to the hospital, he was reportedly treated and released to go back home.  He thereafter returned back to the hospital for the second time for further treatment upon which he was then diagnosed to have contacted Ebola in Liberia; yet the hospital could not save Duncan’s live. It is not impossible that Duncan was a naturalized American, but Black and African. Africans and the world community are asking, why?  Was it because Duncan was Black and an African? Why was the Hospital unable to cure Duncan as they did the two White Americans before him who were brought back from Liberia in ambulance?   
In my earlier discussions on Ebola, I said that there seems more to it than meet the eye; this was early in August of this year.  I raised a concern that connects the outbreak of Ebola with what looks like a covert activity undertaken by Africa’s adversaries meant solely to depopulate Africa with this killer disease.  In that treatise, I pointed out that on August 12, 2014, the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund UNICEF, an organ of the United Nations Organization UNO, in a report states that a “Quarter of global population will be African by the year 2050.”  The announcement went on to say that “High fertility rates coupled with a rise in the number of women of child-bearing age will see two billion babies born in the region by 2050.”   The report goes on to state that “Based on current trend,” of birth rates, “within 35 years, 25 in 100 people will be African.” According to UNICEF’s projection or estimate, 40 percent of the world’s children aged under five years will come from Africa; “Nigeria, the region’s most populous country, will account for 10 percent of global births.” The report further states that “Africa’s 1.2 billion people will double in size between 2015 and the middle of the century, and reach 4.2 billion by 2100.” UNICEF says that Africa’s growth rate, population wise, means more overcrowding, and population density.  The report states that by late 2030, many Africans will live in cities, but in overcrowded environment, and would cause children to continue to struggle to survive. And on August 14, 2014, UNICEF again announced that “The Future of Humanity is African” The UN organ in the report it released on Wednesday, states also that “The future of humanity is increasingly African because more than half of the projected 2.2 billion rises in the world population in 2015-2050 is expected to take place in Africa.” These so called research reports were released and published just as the world and Africans were burying a shocking number of victims of Ebola daily in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Was it a coincidence? One is in doubt.
Also, I had questioned the reason behind the naming of this disease after an African river when there is not a trace of the virus in the waters of River Ebola in Northern Congo. Consequently, I hesitated to suggest that the emergence of this virus named Ebola resembles the way in which the HIV Virus AIDS was created and exported to Africa to kill Africans in the 1980s and 90s.  Like the AIDS Virus that emerged through an African Monkey, according to Dr. Robert Gallo, Ebola is said also to have crossed over from a bat to human; the particular bat or monkey is unknown.  Why? How can those who are using the bats and monkeys to look for deadly viruses tell the world that they do not know the animal or bird with which they created the virus? Now that those who created Ebola Virus are calling it an African disease, are discriminating Black Africans thereby, and refusing to treat African infested victims of the virus, what is it that is now expected from Africa and Africans? Putting it mildly and diplomatically, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Kofi Annan, the former UN Secretary General said that “If the crisis had hit some other region it probably would have been handled very differently.”  My question is what is the sin that Africa and Africans have committed that warrant their elimination from the face of this Earth?   How can those who lay claim to a civilization foster such evils against other human beings who by dint of Nature brought human civilization or awareness to this world of ours?   
Is it not possible for us all to live together in peace without rancor? Can we just get along, asked Rodney King of the L. A. riot fame.  What have we done to deserve the kind of hatred being meted to us, Africans?  Because of Ebola, students from Africa are no longer admitted to study in their school of choice in Texas. Navarro College is an example; once it has happened in one college, the rest will follow suit; this is well known of America. Report has it too that relatives of Duncan are now being discriminated in their community in Texas; a double tragedy?  Why?  If we are now victimizing and discriminating those Africans whose relations and loved ones have died of Ebola Virus, what are we to do to those scientists who created this killer disease? Nigeria is an Ebola free country as announced by the WHO, yet a Nigeria-American is being rejected for admission. May be this school in Texas is not aware that American scientists from CDC had ran to Nigeria already to learn from Nigerians their methods which they used to drive Ebola out of the country.
Congratulations Nigeria and Nigerians; congratulations for the effective ability and manners in which Ebola was driven out Nigeria. Nigeria and Nigerians you deserve my praises for you have made Nigeria and Africa proud.  Nigeria and Nigerians, you were the target of Ebola for depopulation (please, read Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s letters to Daniel Arap Moi, president of Kenya and Thabo Mbeki, president of South Africa, and read his book on Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional?), but the enemies have failed and fail must they should they continue on this path of working to destroy what cannot be destroyed.  Also, Nigeria and Nigerians, congratulation for your wisdom and understanding; civilized humans do not believe in “an eye for an eye.”  You opened your door of knowledge to those who would have denied you theirs if the shoe was on the other leg.  It was very magnanimous and spiritual to feed those who starved you. Revenge is an act of immaturity and ignorance. We could have argued that Thomas Eric Duncan was allowed to die because he was an African; an action that was a result of anger, a characteristic of foolishness and arrogance of those who should have known better that revenge is unholy and anti spiritualism.  
Racism, arrogance and ignorance in an ocean of materialism: how else should a continent like Africa be designated a Third World?  A First World, Africa and the land of the first human being, a being walking on two legs, on this plane of our expression became not even the Second, but Third on the scale of materialistic equation and political jingoism.  In the same equation, they have tried very hard to undermine the authority of the presidency of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America. Those who could not measure up in political skills or defeat him at the polls have become the country’s chief anti-Obama and consultants on whatever President Obama has done; right or wrong they must criticize President Obama just because Barack Obama is African.  Are we surprised that they are making this Ebola crisis a political issue?  As soon as a case of Ebola was reported in America President Barack Obama went to CDC in Atlanta, Georgia and had a meeting with the Director with instructions as to what the CDC must do to ensure Ebola does not spread in America; following, he appointed an Ebola Czar to coordinate activities and action from the White House against the disease, yet Obama should have put on the protective gloves himself to win the praises of his haters.  Man’s inhumanity to man?  Is it a crime to be an African?
Left to this writer, some of those so-called philanthropists of the western world are not real humanitarians because the crumbs they donate to African countries are to pacify their own guilty conscience.  The so-called donations are one of the clever ways with which they run away from paying their due taxes in their home countries.  And they think that such donations are a means with which they could reduce the severity of their Karma.  Could one buy salvation on Earth?  It is doubtful because the stones one throws up must come down.

If democracy is an ideal form of government under which a people may chose to live as they like; if all men and women were created equal; should there be any reason for anyone to want to determine for the other person how he or she should live?   There is no known good reason for anyone to determine to depopulate Africa.  In their chauvinistic desire to control African population they deployed “one man, one wife” principle but they failed.  They tried Plan Parenthood and sterilization of the women, it did not work; they deployed HIV AIDS Virus, Africans are recuperative, now it is Ebola and it will not stop Africans from growing and developing. Some of them have actually developed their plans to depopulate Africa.  Let those who may want to criticize or doubt this writer read M. Knight in “Ebola – Man Made Biological Weapon?” of Saturday, 2 August 2014; “Eugenics and Depopulation, Tuesday, January 6, 2009”; “Kissinger, Eugenics and Depopulation,” by Leuren Moret 11-20-4.” and Bill Gates’ own Depopulation Plan as well.  All in all, Africa is a child of Nature and Nature is indestructible, therefore let all learn to live with Africa in peace and harmony.  This world of ours is the most beautiful, hospitable and accommodating; let us make good use of it to prove that man is the most intelligent and Spiritual of all creatures.

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