Saturday, November 29, 2014

It is Imperialists Urge to Depopulate Africa: To Poison African Bush Meat is Not a Surprise

The current senseless human deaths ravaging in West Africa brought about by the Reptilian Virus called “Ebola” is one that Africans, young and old, man and woman should consider very seriously. African rulers need to sit up and abandon their unwholesome act of greed in ignorance that compels them to betray the confidence of the people. African rulers need to abandon the senseless looting of public funds that gives them false hope and satisfaction; they need to stop because as things are now, they are standing on the threshold of death which African adversaries are senselessly willing to unleash on the continent and its people. If they can create a virus with the desire to kill Africans to infect the meat Africans eat should not be a surprise. African development is not in their plan. This Reptilian Virus is just a part of what is waiting to-happen reading between the lines of their covert plans. When it does happen, this current “Ugbokho” ravaging part of the sub-region will be a child’s play.  “Ugbokho” is a plague that kills chickens en-masse; when it gets to poultry sheds, the sight is usually horrifying to the owner of the poultry.  The Liberian, it seemed they refused to treat and allowed to die in Texas is a good example: A whole Church in Texas with all members of its congregation prayed and prayed nights and days that the man may live, but the prayers came rather late; the reptilian virus never heard the prayers; the hands of death snatched the man away.

African population and the resiliency of the African energies have always constituted a threat to those who are willing at all cost to eliminate all lives of human from the face of the Earth in the region of Africa. This is not happening only to Africans in the Motherland, Africa; it occurs
where ever Africans and African ancestry are found.  Africans in the Diaspora is a case in point; where the power-that-be deliberately sterilized African American young girls in the 1970s.  One Debra Blackmon was a victim.  At age 14,  records show that she was among 7,000 (seven thousand) people in North Carolina ; many who were poor African Americans who were sterilized between 1929 and 1976 in one of the US’s most aggressive eugenics programs.   They have tried many things and in many ways to affect the people of Africa, but failure awaits them most of the time; they came with Christian religion of one man, one wife, they failed; they tried male contraceptives, it did not work; they tried to use abortion and sterilization, they failed, (remember that World Population Conference in Cairo early September of 1994 when the Cross and the Dome teamed up together to oppose depopulation plan with abortion?)  The Resolution at that Conference was “More Power to the women, Fewer Mouths to Feed,” (see Ojior, 2002 p. 10, and see also TIME Magazine of September 26, 1994, p. 64; The Atlanta Journal/The Atlanta Constitution of August 28, 1994 put it clearly when it states, “Equality is Best Contraceptive”).  Are these resolutions not instructive enough for African men and women?

Depopulation of Africa is one of the most important reasons African women are being lured into active participation in partisan politics in the guise of seeking equality for African women.  Unfortunately, many of the educated African women are not aware of some of the deceptive covert plans; instead, they think that those who oppose to the so called women equality or empowerment prank/schemes do not like women to be in position. These women also forget that there is order, equilibrium and balance, and not chaos, in the universe.  Let African rulers and African women take a serious look at the fingers of their palms that our Heavenly Father gave us.  How equal are they? But they perform all together efficiently and effectively.  Can imagination show us what it could have been if the length and thickness of all fingers were to be the same?  But a peep through our invisible eyes reveals awkwardness and ineffectiveness of our hands on anything. Due to our feeble minds and lack of political understanding of the racial war on Africa, Africans always inattentively jump on imperial band wagons on a concept or policy that they least understand its implication and impact.  The Great Architect of the Universe is perfect in all of Creation. There can be no equality in all that is physical but in essence, the realness of all is the same in quality and effectiveness, and it is the beauty of nature.  African women, do not be deceived into abandoning your Spiritual roll of the Great Mother; the sustainer of the seed of live, you are the envy of foreign eyes; in their own abode, they look for how to replace womanhood. The responsibilities of motherhood are greater, a reason this author had been recommending that African mothers be entitled to monthly remuneration for being mothers at home. Women would be proud to be mothers, and a defeat for depopulation attempt by others.

Economic starvation leads to depopulation.  If Africans can no longer eat their cherished bush meat for fear of death, it leads to malnutrition which either way leads to the death of the citizens. The only saviour, if it will, is buying hormone grown imported dead frozen chickens from western Europe which they would prefer that Africans eat in their own Euro-western economic interest. The manufacturers of Reptilian/Marburg viruses and the HIV AIDS virus had ulterior motives.  There was no good justifiable reason to use Ugandan monkeys and chimpanzees in their research to create viruses whose aim is to kill and to depopulate Africa.   What has been the reason for European and western researchers to focus on using African birds, monkeys and chimpanzees in their research? Is Africa the only place where monkeys and chimpanzees are found?  In the 1980s Dr. Gallo claimed that the HIV AIDS virus jumped from an African monkey that bit a person in Africa and that brought about HIV AIDS in human that killed many African children and adults men and women.  How did Gallo came about to know that it was monkey that bit someone if he Gallo has not infested a monkey in Africa with the virus with the sole purpose to kill Africans?  The Reptilian virus came through an African bat and bush animal.  This is their current claim about “Ebola.” What a shame for those who claimed to be civilized humans working to civilize the uncivilized Africans?

Bush meat is a part of the staple foods in Africa. Bush-meats are many in the category of wild animals.  They range from Rabbit (not European or Western type), Antelope, Iguana (known as Reptile in Europe or the West; African Iguana (Ooli) is of the Crocodile family), Deer, Squirrel, Monkeys, Grass-cutters, Pangolin (Ekhu), Snails, etc.; they are all organic highly nutritional wild nourishing lean meat and unpolluted with modern chemicals and hormones. The most common and highly nutritional and delicious among the lot is the Grass-cutter (Iva, Ivua or Oya).   The meat is very succulent, proteinous and mouth watery.  Grass cutters feed on live-grasses, fresh leafs, tubers and fruits.  None of the bush meats can be compared in value and satisfaction with Cow meat or beef which is highly cherished in other foreign countries.  Some of the Bush meats are caught with wire traps; booby traps or hunters gun shot.  The Grass-cutter which is the most cherished is sought for in hotels, beer parlors and local canteens in Africa.  They are affordable to the common people in the villages, along the roadside and in local canteens, but Bush meats are highly expensive in many of the 5 Star international hotels such as Sheraton, Holiday Inn, Eko Hotel in Lagos, Emotan Hotel in Benin City, Hotel-Nuga in Abuja, all in Nigeria.  All over Africa, Bush neat is cherished and treasured.  To poison such staple food of a people is to desire death for those who are use to eating such food.  If the Reptilian Virus and HIV AIDS Virus are actually the sources of these killer diseases, it shows how hostile to the lives of the Africans by African adversaries who actually created the Viruses. 

In my very own opinion, it will be suicidal (unless of course one is a vegetarian), to advocate the abandonment of eating Bush meat.  Bush meat is meant for eating.  God made and placed the bush animals within the reach of the African peoples. If anything, African scientists and nutritionists should work hard to find ways to neutralize the poisonous effect of this reptilian virus like any others yet un-invented by those who do not wish to see Africans live.  If man is able to neutralize Nature’s created venom, there is no reason man cannot counteract man made destroyer of lives.  It is a failure on the part of African natural scientists who have not thought of it to analyze some of the indigenous mystical or spiritual knowledge of traditional Africa to the advantage of the people.  Africans should stop giving out their native knowledge to foreigners; the knowledge should be circulated among the indigenes as a way to preserve such knowledge.  We have heard it overtime that the achievements of the so called modern day civilization are based on the ideas of the so called primitive ideas of the African peoples.  It is like taking the black Crude Oil from the Nigerian Creeks, bringing it to the United States where it is refined into so many other material things including the special petrol and then shipped back to Nigeria and sold as toothpastes, plastic flowers, and petrol to the Nigerian people.  Even ventriloquism and puppetry have their origins in an African traditional Art of throwing one’s voice in such a way that the sound seems to come from a source other than that of the speaker.  In the Africa of Old, it was used as spiritual medium of consultation by the African native doctors.   It is still available in some part of Africa including Nigeria. Before today, those who borrowed the Art from the Africans use any kind of object such as dummies and dolls in a manner deceptive to an onlooker.
As of today, it is a great means to entertain children by most televisions stations throughout the world in puppetry.  There are some very good native surgeons who do not use knives or scissors to carryout surgery among the different kinds of native healers in traditional Africa. Such healers and their activities need to be studied by African western oriented natural scientists among our professionals.  We are here together on this Earth; it is our duty to learn and find ways to live among those who may not have the appetite to live with us in peace. 

In this regard, it is a challenge to the African natural scientists to provide answers whenever anyone question Africans’ rights to live with nature here in this world.  To be sure that any of the bush meat is food; cook the meat thoroughly so that whatever bacterial is in there becomes food for the body.  I am not a nutritionist nor am I an expert on food, but experience has shown to those who grew up in the village that soured African soup is as palatable and safe as any un-soured soup.  The indigene in the village do with soured soup is to boil the soured soup until the bacteria or bacterial in such soup become safe food for the body.  Therefore, cook your food very well so your Bush meat is still meat.  Do not run away from eating African Bush meat.   

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